Typically, when I meet with any clients who are looking for a mortgage, they have a lot of questions, but the bottomline question that they really want the answer to is …

How Much Is The Monthly Payment And How Much Do I Need ?

Well that’s a question that we’ll answer for you as quickly as during our first conversation, but we’ll first have to discuss your wants and needs – and your financial capabilities.

“How much is the monthly payment ?”

– is dependent upon all of the factors below and others

  • Loan amount
  • Interest rate
  • Credit rating
  • Loan term (15, 20, 30 years)
  • Type of loan program (Conventional, FHA, Construction, Other)
  • Mortage Insurance or NO mortgage insurance
  • Type of Property (Single Family Residence or Condo/Townhouse/PUD)

“How much do I need ?” 

– also varies greatly based on these factors

  • The minimum downpayment requirements of the particular loan program that you choose
    • Can be as little as 1/2% or 1% down payment and as high as 20% or more
  • The amount of the closing costs
    • Whether or not you are paying the closing costs on your own – or –
    • If the seller or the lender or other third party is assisting you to pay these fees


In any case, I will take a stab at it, but I will do you one better by giving you a few representative examples.

Click on the case studies to the right – there’s bound to be something that comes close to your situation.

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